Mortgage Protection – First Generation Life

What is Mortgage Protection?

Mortgage Protection is NOT Mortgage Insurance that protects the lender if you default on the loan. Mortgage Protection is a policy that protects your most valued asset: your FAMILY! If either breadwinner passes away, the spouse and children are able to stay in the home. That’s right- NO FORECLOSURE! Avoid becoming a family who loses their home and security because of the passing of one of the breadwinners.

Awesome Image

How does it work?

    • If you pass, your beneficiary receives the money to pay off the mortgage on the home.
    • If you live past time of the policy, you receive the return of premium (if ROP was selected).
    • Some plans have living benefits such as becoming critically or terminally ill or being confined to a nursing home.

Protect Your Biggest Asset


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1635 Nova Ln. Ste. 202B
Burlington, NC 27215


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